6 Degrees Of Wikipedia


Six Degrees of Wikipedia You start with two keywords and this website is going to find up to 6 articles that link two random keywords. I gave Jamie Lannister and SpaceX They first generated this crazy graph showing all the different nodes through which these are connected. One of the specific outcomes: Now I tried Jesus to Bond. The new Six Degrees of Wikipedia visualizes all the shortest paths between any two entries as a network map. You can drag the map around and click any point to go to the relevant Wikipedia page.

Our Mission: Optimize Healthcare Spending

6 Degrees Health is built to bring equity and fairness back into the healthcare reimbursement equation. Our cost containment efforts utilize MediVI technology, which supports our solutions with objective, transparent and defensible data. Solutions include everything from provider market analyses, reasonable value claim reports, claim negotiations, and referenced based repricing.

6 Degrees Of Wikipedia

  • The six degrees of freedom: forward/back, up/down, left/right, yaw, pitch, roll Six degrees of freedom(6DoF) refers to the freedom of movement of a rigid bodyin three-dimensional space.
  • Most of us are familiar with the concept of six degrees of separation - the idea is that anyone in the planet can be connected to anyone else in just six steps. So through just five other people, you're effectively connected to the Queen of England, Tom Cruise, or even a Mongolian sheep herder.
Degrees6 Degrees Of Wikipedia

MediVI has proven to be a competitive advantage for our veteran negotiators. This combination of experience and objective benchmarks results in highly effective contracts for transplant and other complex health services.


6 Degrees Of Separation Wikipedia Game

Cost Containment

Who We Work With

6 Degrees Health is laser focused on solutions for complex healthcare, including transplants, cardiac, cancer and other high-dollar care. We are dedicated to driving quality and value for Members, Payers and Providers.

    • Access to Market Based Plan Cost Analytics
    • Pre and Post Service Claim Negotiation
    • Claim Review and Audits
    • Out of Network Solutions
    • Referenced Based Pricing
    • Specialty Care Network Access
    • Access to MediVI
    • Plan Design & Consulting
    • Facility Selection Assistance
    • Direct Contract Negotiation Support
    • Complex Repricing
    • Fiduciary Support
    • Pre and Post Service Claim Negotiation
    • Referenced Based Pricing
    • Specialty Care Network Access
    • Access to MediVI
    • Facility Selection Assistance
    • Education and Training
    • Access to Market Based Plan Cost Analytics
    • Claim Review and Audits
    • Pre and Post Service Claim Negotiation
    • Out of Network Solutions
    • Referenced Based Pricing
    • Specialty Care Network Access
    • Access to MediVI
    • Plan Design and Consulting
    • Facility Selection Assistance
    • Direct Contract Negotiation Support
    • Complex Repricing
    • Fiduciary Support
    • Patient Advocacy

    “My experiences with 6 Degrees have been rewarding. Using their services has saved my clients significant money.
    I find them to be very well prepared and well informed, with excellent resources.

    They are good people and I enjoy working with these folks very much!”

    – Broker

    • Access to Market Based Plan Cost Analytics
    • Claim Review and Audits
    • Pre and Post Service Claim Negotiation
    • Out of Network Solutions
    • Referenced Based Pricing
    • Specialty Care Network Access
    • Access to MediVI
    • Underwriting Support
    • Facility Selection Assistance
    • Direct Contract Negotiation Support
    • Complex Repricing
    • Fiduciary Support

    “I speak the praises of 6 Degrees Health any chance I get, and that is 100% due to the interactions I’ve had with you. You are great at what you do!”

    – Reinsurance Carrier

    • Access to Market Based Plan Cost Analytics
    • Claim Review and Audits
    • Pre and Post Service Claim Negotiation
    • Out of Network Solutions
    • Referenced Based Pricing
    • Specialty Care Network Access
    • Access to MediVI
    • Plan Design & Consulting
    • Facility Selection Assistance
    • Direct Contract Negotiation Support
    • Complex Repricing
    • Fiduciary Support
    • Patient Advocacy
    • Fast and Accurate Claims Repricing
    • Increased Accounts Receivable Performance
    • Exposure to Payor Community
    • Fair and Objective Contract Negotiations
    • Incremental Patient Volume
    • Complimentary Marketing
    • Assistance with Procedure Bundling

    “Claims are always repriced quickly and correctly . . . and if there are ever questions, you answer them with outstanding customer service.”

    – Transplant Billing Manager, COE Provider

6 Degrees Of Wikipedia

About 6 Degrees Health

6 Degrees Health is a group of experienced healthcare professionals that believes it takes a network of industry relationships to deliver optimal health plan solutions.