A Big Presence...puerto Rican Genealogy



Doña Estela Cifre de Loubriel


Caribbean ancestry family tree research tools Genealogy genealogy help Puerto Rican Genealogy One of the positive aspects of genealogy is discovering when you are related to one another. However, the best positive outcome is when we selfishlessly share data with others like the Camuy Matrimonios 1836 – 1849. Encore presentation of Puerto Rican Genealogy Workshop first held 12-27-20 This is an encore video presentation of the live Puerto Rican Genealogy Workshop originally held on Sunday, December 27, 2020.


18 May 1908 - 12 December 1998


A Big Presence..puerto Rican Genealogy Society

The First Lady of Puerto Rican Genealogy

Was born in the town of Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico daughter of Antonio Cifre Alberti, a native of Mallorca, Spain and of Amanda Amill Negroni, a native of Yauco. Doña Estela Received her B.A. from the University of Puerto Rico in 1944; a Masters Degree in Political Science with a concentration in History from Columbia University in 1950, and a Doctorate n Philosophy from the University of Madrid in 1958. As a professor in the History Department at the University of Puerto Rico she taught that subject to literally thousands of students over the span of her long career.

Additionally, she wrote several seminal books on the genealogy of the people from several of the various provinces of Spain that imigrated to Puerto Rico. These books include:

·La Formación del Pueblo Puertorriqueño - La Contribución de los Gallegos, Asturianos y Santanderinos.

·La formación del pueblo puertorriqueño, La contribución
de los Catalanes, Balearicos y Valencianos.

·Catalogo de extranjeros residentes en Puerto Rico en
el Siglo XIX.

·La formación del pueblo puertorriqueño: La contribución de los Isleño-Canarios

These books and others were based on primary sources obtained from the major civil, military and ecclisiastical archives and libraies of Spain,the United States, Puerto Rico and several other Latin American nations.

She retired from he profesorial duties at the University of Puerto Rico but continued to write until a few weeks before her death it is hoped that her last book on the contributions of the Andaluces will appear in print at some time in the near future.

In life you were the beacon that illuminated the path of Puerto Rican genealogy
and although death has taken you from us, your light continues to show the way.

Doña Estela
Descanse en Paz

The members and Board of Directors of the
Puerto Rican-Hispanic Genealogical Society will keep your torch aflame.

A Big Presence..puerto Rican Genealogy Ancestry

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